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For males: Ways to last longer in bed

For a girl, reaching a healthy orgasm is the perfect way to call it a day. However, you, the guy in the action, are doomed if you’ll ejaculate way too fast. Any instance of premature ejaculation will leave you feeling depressed, frustrated and flustered.

If you, too, are one of those hapless males who can’t make those carnal adventures last longer (and, thus, have a sniggering female fuckbuddy in Leeds), here’s your guide to reclaim that machismo.

Masturbate regularly

Hey, if you haven’t played with your little soldier for some time, you better do it a couple of times before you hit the sack with your female significant other. That’s because if you won’t do that, you’ll never be able to make love for a longer duration. Masturbate at least twice a week to enjoy a healthy sexual life.

Practise kegel exercise

The kegels exercise is a way to make the erection really hard. You’ll have to practise it if you want to last for a longer period of time in bed. Those who haven’t heard of kegels exercise, it’s a kind of pelvic exercise that involves contracting your muscles for some time (say, for ten seconds).

Take control

Prefer doing sex in a missionary position and prefer keeping the top spot for yourself. If you’ll do that, you’ll be able to take control of the entire sexual episode and to have a sense of power (which, in a way, will lend you even control ejaculation to some extent).

Don’t change pace

It’s quite proven that if you’ll change the pace of the to-and-fro motion, you’ll become hornier, and, thus, you’ll ejaculate prematurely. Now, all this will disable you to give a stellar sexual performance; so it’s better if you stick to one pace only.

These steps, however, aren’t necessary to be practised when your fuck buddy is a female one; some of these steps (such as the first two) are even applicable if you’re a gay fuck buddy.

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